Hi! Thanks so much for stopping by - I’m really excited to share this new forum with you.
I’ve found other social media outlets to be dissatisfying when trying to communicate the concepts, tips and visions I want so badly to connect with you on. So going forward, I will be posting here regularly. My goal is to provide straightforward, inspiring, informative, fun and funny(!) design-related content for your enjoyment.
I’ll be documenting my life as an interior designer - sharing bits about who I am and the crazy journey I’ve taken to get to where I am today, along with my latest projects and collaborations, inspiration from my travels, creative design ideas, and observations about developing trends. And, since so much of my inspiration is fueled by the millions of talented individuals out there, I will be featuring insights from a wide range of other impressive creatives.
Most importantly, I want to hear from YOU! What are you interested in learning more about? Comment below or message me your thoughts/ideas/feedback, and let your curiosity run wild!
My work is founded in gratitude for the hardships I’ve faced to date, the amazing people I’ve been so fortunate to be surrounded by along the way, and an unwavering drive to positively impact others lives. I strive to enhance interpersonal connectivity among strangers and loved ones, by designing beautiful, warm, comfortable spaces to support memories being made. If I can add value to just ONE of your lives, I will consider this a win!!
Until next time,
“Be yourself because an original is worth more than a copy.”